Design Technology — Year 11


Design Technology Overview

Term 1: NEA - Coursework AO1

NEA - Non Exam Assessment - Coursework commenced

Students will be continuing the investigation phase of their NEA, investigating, researching and analysing existing products and the relevant market - for their chosen product. The context in which they will be designing is provided by the exam board, usually a choice of three.

Controlled Assessment Tasks

AO1 - Identify, investigate and outline design possibilities 20 marks (/100)

Initial point of planning research for a project

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
To ensure projects are planned properly and work is completed on schedule

Create a supportive community:
- To become organised individuals. - To be able to plan and execute relevant market research

Term 6: Revision for end of year examination


Continuation of revision for examination in mid June.

Design feature
An aspect of a product which aids it in solving a problem

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
- To prepare for examination.

Create a supportive community:
- To ensure that student is fully prepared for the examination.

Term 5: Revision for end of year examination


Preparation for exam having submitted coursework in early May. Students will complete mock papers in exam conditions

Computer aided design and manufacture

Designing a product which does not damage the environment throughout its life

Product life cycle
The journey a product goes through from manufacturing to recycling or disposal

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
To prepare for examination.

Create a supportive community:
To be organised and fully informed with the exam requirements.

Term 4: Coursework - NEA AO2 AO3 + Exam revision

Students will be finishing their prototype production, recording their making process and reflecting on design decisions under AO2 of the specification.

Students will move to analysing and evaluating their product against the specification

In theory lessons, students will consolidate their manufacturing and DT knowledge from Year 10 - completing mock papers and increasing confidence in answering exam style questions.

AO3 - completion of evaluation and analysis of the product produced against the specification.

Students will complete a range of previous past papers to increase confidence in the exam style and questioning seen in DT exams. Students subject knowledge is tested and reflected on, building confidence in product analysis, industry techniques and material/tool knowledge.

Designing a product which is forward thinking and solves a problem

How a product looks

How a product feels in your hand

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
- To develop subject knowledge on how things are manufactured and the needs of different cultures who may be purchasing the product on the market.

Create a supportive community:
- To develop team working skills and enhancing communication skills as part of a design team / group working activities

Term 3: Coursework - NEA AO2 AO3

Students will be working on realising their design ideas, using modelling and prototyping techniques to create their products. Designs will be sketched by hand with the addition of CAD techniques - alongside use of CAM machines to reflect industry processes. Students will annotate and explore different design possibilities with a range of materials throughout this process - arriving at a final design with a matching final prototype

NEA AO3 - 60 marks / 100

Initial concept
An idea which is very early in its development

A list of rules a product must do to be successful

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Students will be reflecting on design choices and using the iterative design process to arrive at a final concept and model to show their finalised idea in relation to the brief. Students will reflect on design choices and explain their reasoning

Create a supportive community:
To realise a final concept on a schedule, mimicing deadlines and production schedules as seen in industry

Term 2: Coursework - NEA AO2 + AO3

Students will be completing the design brief and specification phase of their coursework, condensing down their previous research and deciding on a direction for the design phase.

Students will move on to completing a range of ideas and developments, modelling their ideas and drawing on previous research to inform design decisions.

NEA AO2 - Producing a design brief and specification ( 10 marks / 100)

NEA AO3 - Generating design ideas (20 marks / 100)

Design brief
A statement of intent of the project - what is going to be made

A list of rules the product must do to be successful

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
To realise design concepts through research and using their ideas and concepts discovered so far

Create a supportive community:
- To ensure that they are able to meet deadlines and be efficient with their time